A Mathematical Keyboard Layout

Eric Lengyel   •   February 1, 2018

I’ve often found myself typing basic mathematical symbols into Twitter comments, such as subscripts, exponents, infinity, the dot product, the cross product, and especially the minus sign, because I can’t stand using a hyphen to mean negative or subtract. I had enabled hex Unicode input on the numeric keypad, which requires a registry change, and I would type in codes that I had memorized, like 2212 for minus, or looked up as needed.

Recently, I learned that Microsoft has made a keyboard layout tool available for the past 10 years, and it’s possible to make keys type whatever characters you want. More importantly, you can re-purpose the AltGr key, which is used to type things like accented letters on non-US keyboards, so that it functions as a modifier key that changes the meaning of every other non-modifier key on the keyboard. (On US keyboards, the AltGr key is just the Right Alt key, and it can be interpreted separately from the Left Alt key.) Furthermore, the AltGr key can be combined with Shift so that you can assign two characters to each key. So, of course, I thought it would be interesting to turn that into a Math modifier that turns all the other keys into mathematical symbols.

After a few iterations through the Keyboard Layout Creator, I zeroed in on a design that I liked. A couple people on Twitter pointed out to me that WASD Keyboards actually makes custom keyboards with whatever you want printed on the keys! So I ordered one, and it turned out perfectly:

Now I’ve got a Math key and a whole bunch of mathematical symbols that I use a lot right at my fingertips. Here’s a brief description of what I assigned to each key, and in many cases, some reasons why:

For anyone who’d like to make their own similar keyboard, I have uploaded a ZIP file at the following location containing the keyboard layout and the Illustrator file that I sent to WASD Keyboards to get my keys printed: https://terathon.com/blog/math-keyboard/math-keyboard.zip.